
Reading Graphic Organizers

Reading Graphic Organizers

Face-to-Face or Online

The Reading Graphic Organizer (RGO) is a tool that builds academic reading comprehension skills, and it has been successfully used in a variety of disciplines at PLNU. This page is dedicated to providing faculty with various resources related to the successful implementation and use of the RGO in their courses. For one-to-one help with designing and implementing an RGO that fits your discipline and course, please reach out directly to the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Article: “Increasing Reading Comprehension and Student Engagement, Face-to-Face and Online,” The Teaching Professor. January 4, 2021.

How to Fill Out the Reading Graphic Organizer

How to Fill Out A Reading Graphic Organizer was created for students in HIS1010, an online course. It is included on this site to give professors an idea of one way Gayle Sollfrank speaks to her students about completing the RGO.