
Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

Today’s Emerging Adults (a term coined by author Jeffrey Arnett, 2015) are growing up more slowly, and often lack the self-discipline and skills needed for college. The methods they used to get by in high school are no longer successful in the college classroom. So, how can we be proactive in our approach to helping students become successful in our classes?

Here are some resources we can use to be proactive in our approach to helping students become successful in our classes. The key to helping students is to purposefully integrate or build these resources into your course instruction. For more help on how to do this, feel free to contact the Center for Teaching and Learning. 

  1. Teach Study Skills and Metacognitive Skills
  2. Note-Taking: Handwritten Notes & Cuing
  3. Reading Academic Texts: Highlighting, Notes in Margins, RGO, CPA, and Precis Writing Form
Chart outlining SQ3R Method Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)

This study skills model has been around since 1946, and is a tried and true method for talking to students about study methods that produce results.

Saundra McGuire's Study Cycle Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

Saundra McGuire's Study Cycle

A number of years ago, Saundra McGuire spoke to PLNU faculty, and shared the Study Cycle she had developed. Her book, Teach Students How to Learn, is an excellent resource to add to your teaching library. She also has another book called Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level. “In a conversational tone, and liberally illustrated by anecdotes of past students, the author combines introducing readers to concepts like Bloom’s Taxonomy (to illuminate the difference between studying and learning), fixed and growth mindsets, as well as to what brain science has to tell us about rest, nutrition and exercise, together with such highly specific learning strategies as how to read a textbook, manage their time and take tests.”

Bloom's Taxonomy Diagram Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

Bloom's Taxonomy

Developed in the 1950s by Benjamin Bloom, this is a great tool to progressively build your course activities and assignments in ways that enhance student learning. It is also an effective way to share with your students how their own learning builds.

Dr. Stephen Chew Preparing Students for the Rigors of College

Stephen Chew's Videos on How to Study

Stephen Chew is a nationally recognized teacher at Samford University. He has developed a series of videos to help students understand the ways in which they learn and how to prepare for college.